Security Monitoring

Security Monitoring

How well does your enterprise stand up against today's sophisticated security threats? In this book, security experts from Cisco Systems demonstrate how to detect damaging security incidents on your global network -- first by teaching you which assets you need to monitor closely, and then by helping you develop targeted strategies and pragmatic techniques to protect them. These recommendations will help you select and deploy the very best tools to monitor your own enterprise network.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

well been a couple of days

What i been up to, i started watching supernatural on
Super natural is a series whit 2 brothers looking for there father, they are all into hunting down
ghost and daemons and other supernatural beings of evil nature.
The acting is pretty good
The fx's is good real good
the story's they follow is mostly based on myth and other things that is told on earth.
So this far into the series i will give it a 7/10 over all

please comment and give advice have a good media day

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

is rigth now

its been a long time and lots have changed

is reading a lot, gaming a lot and is deeply into media stuff.
Did finish a book on trading stocks for beginners,
stocks guide