Security Monitoring

Security Monitoring

How well does your enterprise stand up against today's sophisticated security threats? In this book, security experts from Cisco Systems demonstrate how to detect damaging security incidents on your global network -- first by teaching you which assets you need to monitor closely, and then by helping you develop targeted strategies and pragmatic techniques to protect them. These recommendations will help you select and deploy the very best tools to monitor your own enterprise network.

Friday, June 28, 2013

saturday morning way to early

Well a new Saturday where i am up before the devil, but yeah love those early mornings.
So peace full and creative i must say, loads of gaming and tv watching going on at this hour of day.
Found this great blog entry at dubspot yes today, really a great read and yeah properly most of us know it but still.
Some times us artist should be remind et of the basic and yeah what we should do and what is fun,
As he says ones day should be made up of should stuff "music" and fun stuff, like movies and games.
But yeah all in all a good weekend up ahead i am sure.
SO stay creative and stay producing

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