Security Monitoring

Security Monitoring

How well does your enterprise stand up against today's sophisticated security threats? In this book, security experts from Cisco Systems demonstrate how to detect damaging security incidents on your global network -- first by teaching you which assets you need to monitor closely, and then by helping you develop targeted strategies and pragmatic techniques to protect them. These recommendations will help you select and deploy the very best tools to monitor your own enterprise network.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

sunday ramblings from a opensource guy

Well what a Sunday morning
one of my new hobby is bit-coin mining, 
and is slowly building up my own set up
just some new small units each month
i fiend the philosophy of crypto coins interesting.

A currency that is not govern t by any state 
or country, a perfect match for a guy that is 
a firm believer on things should be open source,
and free.

But yeah at the moment the crypto coins is in a state
of free falling but i hope that in time they will
settle on a reasonable price point.
so stay open source stay free 
and have a great sunday

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